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Print + Archive Subscription

Print + Archive Subscription

Get access to 45+ years of the Ploughshares archives plus four issues a year delivered to you.

Your subscription will begin with the next issue, and includes online access to the stories, essays, and poetry included within, as well as all of the stories, essays, and poetry we’ve published since our 1971 founding.

Print + Digital Subscription

Print + Digital Subscription

Your subscription will begin with the next issue, and includes both print and digital editions of each issue. Issues are released in April, August, October, and January.

If you would like your subscription to auto-renew, please purchase a subscription via this link, which will take you to our secure payment platform, instead of adding a subscription to your cart.

Product Options
Digital Subscription

Digital Subscription

Your subscription will begin with the next issue, and includes the digital editions of each issue. Issues are released in April, July, October, and January.

If you would like your subscription to auto-renew, please purchase a subscription via this link, which will take you to our secure payment platform, instead of adding a subscription to your cart.

Product Options
Archive Subscription

Archive Subscription

Get access to 50 years of the Ploughshares archives. Your subscription will include all stories, essays, and poetry published since our 1971 founding.

Your access will continue for either 6 or 12 months. During that time, you’ll be able to access all new stories, essays, and poetry published by Ploughshares.

Product Options